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Assalto Modificação Global Weather causando caos climático e uma catástrofe ambiental

Por  Dane Wigington

Dane Wigington
O principal fator que causa "Mudanças Climáticas" Não são eles dizendo-nos sobre?
Artigos mais alarmantes e estudos estão surgindo a cada dia que confirmar o estado em rápida mudança de sistemas de suporte de vida na Terra e do clima. A humanidade tem dizimado o planeta e as galinhas estão vindo para casa para pernoitar. Embora há certamente muitas partes a esta história que se desdobra, a maior peça do quebra-cabeça, de longe, ainda é totalmente não reconhecida pela maioria da comunidade científica e de todos os meios principais do córrego / complexo empresarial / industrial / militar. O elefante enorme na sala foi, e ainda é, "geoengenharia aerossol estratosférico" ou "SAG", AKA "chemtrails".
O que é Geoengenharia aerossol estratosférico E por que é tão perigoso?
Geoengenharia aerossol estratosférico é um termo primário para os programas contínuos de modificação do clima global a ser conduzidos por maiores potências do mundo. "Aerossóis" é simplesmente um termo para uma partícula microscópica que está suspenso no ar. O componente mais importante dos programas de geoengenharia é saturar a atmosfera através da pulverização de milhões de toneladas de 10 nanometros (um nanómetro é de 1/1, 000 milhões de metro) de partículas de metais tóxicos (aerossóis) a partir de aviões a jacto. Por quê? Com base nos dados disponíveis, há um certo número de objectivos conhecidos, mas é muito provável que a maior parte do programa associados com estes programas só se pode especular no.
Patentes de geoengenharia Muitos têm um objetivo declarado de conter o aquecimento global.
Alumínio / alumina, entre outros metais tóxicos, está aparecendo em inúmeros testes de chuva em todo o mundo. A quantidade de alumínio, bário e outros metais nestes testes de chuva / neve é sempre alta e muitas vezes completamente fora das cartas. Neve testes do Monte Shasta na Califórnia Norther eram tóxicos além da crença. Esta área do noroeste do Pacífico foi pensado para ser uma fonte de água pura. Dezenas de amostras tomadas de chuva na região de numerosos indivíduos foram testados no laboratório de Estado certificada no norte da Califórnia e apresentou resultados surpreendentes, sem exceção. O ex-Serviço Florestal dos EUA biólogo Francisco Mangles confirmou a contaminação por metais pesados ​​alarmante com seu próprio teste . Testes de neve tirada do lado de Mt. Shasta mostrou teor de alumínio tão elevado quanto 61.000 PPB. (Partes por bilhão). Este nível de alumínio na neve é dezenas de milhares de vezes qualquer coisa que possa ser considerada "normal fundo" contaminação.
Níveis esta alta só pode ser considerado altamente tóxico. Uma vez que esses metais tóxicos estão na neve, que só pode vir do ar. Alumínio / alumina na "forma livre" não existem naturalmente no meio ambiente, mas está sempre ligado a outros elementos. Então, onde é que vem? O alumínio é o principal elemento nomeado em patentes de geoengenharia numerosos. As patentes mesmos que descrevem esta dispersão de alumínio de jatos para o propósito expresso de bloquear o sol, que é exatamente o que vemos aeronaves "trilhas" fazendo em nossos dias céus e saindo dia.
É importante lembrar que esta contaminação não é local, mas de âmbito mundial. Movimentos formaram em países de todo o mundo que estão desesperadamente tentando resolver este problema terrível.
Atmosfera encolhendo, Disturbed ciclo hidrológico, proliferação de fungos e extinção de espécies
Danos camada de ozônio é mais uma conseqüência conhecida de geoengenharia da atmosfera. Outros estudos recentes agora nota uma"atmosfera encolher" o que é muito possivelmente, também ligado aos programas de geoengenharia em curso.
O "ciclo hidrológico" do planeta está sendo totalmente interrompidos pela saturação aerossol geoengenharia da atmosfera. Proliferação de fungos é mais uma crise inevitável quando a atmosfera está cheia de partículas, os solos estão contaminados com a precipitação geoengenharia, e as águas estão poluídas com o mesmo. Já, inúmeras espécies estão sentindo os efeitos . O atual "taxa de extinção de espécies" deve ser absolutamente chocante para todos. No presente momento a "taxa de extinção" é a partir de 1000 a 10.000 vezes "variabilidade natural". Isto é de 100.000 a 1.000.000%% de "taxas de base normais". Embora a mídia main stream nunca iria discutir isso, estamos atualmente na sexta extinção em massa do planeta Terra . Geoengenharia é responsável por tudo isso? Claro que não, mas se a ciência disponível e de dados é considerada, a geoengenharia é provavelmente de longe a causa mais significativa de devastação ambiental e climática.
Se todas as informações disponíveis é considerado, geoengenharia parece ser a ameaça maior e mais imediato para toda a vida na Terra curto de uma catástrofe nuclear.
Menos chuva, menos vento, menos sol, Welcome To Geoengenharia
Aerossol Céus saturada - a nova norma
Though rain and snow is falling in areas of North America, at times in a deluge or “blizzard”, the droughts in the continental US ( and many other regions around the globe), are getting worse. There are now often massive areas of drifting cloud cover spanning thousands of miles over land masses and oceans with very little precipitation. Why is this? Why are the skies so often completely featureless as these expansive cloud banks and upper level “haze” drift across the globe? If individual clouds can be recognized in these “drifting masses”, they often appear “melted into” the upper story of geoengineering “haze”. Why is the wind often diminished under these featureless canopies? Horizon to horizon geoengineering trails are not the only sign of spraying. Clouds should be “white” and the sky “blue”. Wispy, dingy, cob web like upper level “clouds” are are not natural and another hallmark of spraying, as are “silvery white” skies.
The Geoengineering Connection
Atmospheric aerosol saturation diminishes wind and precipitation. The conditions described above are known consequences of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG) and solar radiation management (SRM) . All available science data confirms the effect of geoengineering particulates on rainfall. Though main stream science sources are still not willing to openly admit to the fact that geoengineering programs have been fully deployed for decades, a growing mountain of evidence makes this fact all too clear. The ongoing stratospheric geoengineering programs are greatly reducing overall rainfalland all but eliminating deep blue skies. Blocking the sun with reflective geoengineering aerosols reduces evaporation. Wind is reduced significantly from atmospheric aerosol saturation as the particles scatter solar energy and thus reduce convection from the ground that would otherwise occur from daytime heating. The slowing of the wind reduces evaporation even more. Further, precipitation cells that do form are often dispersed and diminished from the excessive amount of geoengineering particulates. This causes to many “condensation nuclei” and the droplets do not combine and fall as rain but migrate on.
It is important to remember that there are ALWAYS exceptions to the geoengineering consequences outlined in scientific study. There are simply far too many variables in the extremely complex climate system. Colliding air masses, strong weather fronts, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc, are all among such variables that can still produce devastating and destructive winds and rains even with extensive geoengineering.
Global Dimming, The Loss Of Blue Skies
There is a mountain of scientific data to confirm the reality of “global dimming’. Most have never even heard the term much less noticed the effect over recent decades. Though articles from main stream publications admit to the “global dimming” issue, most understate the percentage of dimming and all point the finger at “pollution particulates” as the sole cause. Countless jet aircraft which criss-cross our skies daily, dispersing millions of tons of toxic metal and chemical particulates, are completely ignored by all main stream media journalists and sources.
To date main stream media has done its best to avoid even mentioning the subject of geoengineering much less admitting to these ongoing programs of total planetary devastation. The overall ramifications from global dimming and geoengineering cannot be accurately quantified. Loss of photo synthesis, destruction of the ozone layer, reduction in global rainfall, loss of blue sky, toxification of soils and waters, these are only a few of the known consequences of the global atmospheric spraying
Greatly Diminished Atmospheric Protection From The Sun
What does this imply? As already documented above, saturating the atmosphere with particulates shreds the protective layers of the atmosphere, namely the ozone layer. Particulate saturation in the upper atmosphere causes a chemical reaction which does the damage. There is now a massiveNorthern hemisphere ozone hole in addition to the Southern Hemisphere hole we have all heard about for decades. Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering is in all likelihood the primary cause of the global ozone depletion, not just “CFC’s” as we have been told.  Again, this has already been cited above and can be easily researched. Search “geoengineering damages ozone layer”. All available science makes this point clear. Without the ozone layer, life in any form would likely not exist on our planet.
There is yet one more issue related to the destruction of our natural protection from the sun’s usual radiation output: protection from solar flares. Coronal mass ejections or “CME’s” can and will do horrific damage to our planet and most especially human infrastructure. If electricity grids are shut down due to a strong CME, the potential dangers are sobering indeed. With no grid power to cool nuclear power facilities for an extended time, we could face Fukushima x 100, or 200, or?. Without cooling, meltdowns would eventually occur. Just one major nuclear catastrophe could exterminate life on the planet, let alone dozens or hundreds of them. Geoengineering is destroying our natural protection from such an event caused by a strong coronal mass ejection.
Wind Pattern Changes And Catastrophic Methane Release
Wind current pattern changes in turn trigger ocean current changes. Most are completely unaware of the wind and ocean current changes occurring around the globe. Even fewer are aware of the ramifications which are already unfolding from these changes.

Ocean current changes are already delivering warmer waters
 to regions with vast undersea methane deposits. These deposits are known as “methane hydrate” deposits and literally hold life on earth in the balance. Many regions around the globe are beginning to expel methane from hydrate and clathrate deposits. The East Siberian Shelf of the Arctic is already releasing en masse. All available data indicates that this event alone is changing our biosphere by the day. Though groups of scientists like the “Arctic Methane Emergency Group”  (AMEG) are calling for “emergency wartime scale geoengineering to avert planetary catastrophe”, available data indicates that the very geoengineering programs they are selling as a cure, are more likely a major causal factor in triggering the methane catastrophe in the first place. The fully deployed planetary geoengineering programs have been altering wind and rain patterns at an ever increasing level for decades. Again, it is these alterations that have likely been a major factor in the triggering of mass methane release due to the altered ocean currents and altered hydrological cycles from the ongoing geoengineering programs.
Saturation of the atmosphere with methane is equivalent to covering the planet with a sheet of glass. The sun’s thermal energy gets in, but does not get out. Though most articles on methane release state methane to be 20 times more potent a greenhouse gas than Co2, this is over a 100 year time horizon. Over a ten year time horizon, methane is at least 100 times more potent. Again, the implications from this event alone threaten all life on Earth.
No “Natural” Weather
The global geoengineering/weather modification/chemtrail programs have likely been going on for over six decades. Recently found documents from theNASA archives indicate the these programs already had budgets into the hundreds of millions of dollars even by the mid 1960?s. These already massive climate altering programs were radically ramped up in the last 15 years. Though most of us alive today have perhaps known little truly “natural” weather, what we are experiencing today is anything but natural. The climate now “swings” radically from one extreme to another. It is now common to have spring like temperatures one day and snow (likely artificially nucleated) the next. These “swings”or “fluctuations” are getting ever more severe.
Manipulation Of The Jet Stream And The Shredding Of The Atmosphere
Is this really possible? Available science as well as observed weather events and jet stream “anomalies” say absolutely yes.
HAARP is the acronym for a massively powerful “ionosphere heater” facility located in Alaska. This is a huge and extremely powerful antenna array which is capable of transmitting as much as a billion watts of power into the ionosphere. The effect of this is to create a ‘bulge” in the atmosphere which in turn can alter the course of the jet stream. Such alterations can in turn “steer” weather systems. By such manipulation, storm fronts can be combined and worsened into “frankenstorms”, or broken apart and dispersed.
There are thought to be at least 18 of these “ionosphere heaters” around the globe, some held by China and Russia. It has also become evident in recent years that “weather warfare” is already a lethal global reality. The potential of these frequency transmitter facilities is enhanced by the spraying of our skies. The saturation of the atmosphere with metal particulates makes the atmosphere more “conductive”. This in turn increases the capabilities of the ionosphere heaters.
Dry Lightning And Out Of Control Forest Fires
An atmosphere that is more conductive from metal particulate saturation can produce more frequent lightning. These same particulates also have the net effect of “diminishing and dispersing” rain. Forests around the globe are now filled with dead and dying trees. (referenced later in this article). In addition, the foliage of trees are now covered with what amounts to an “incendiary” dust from the geoengineering particulates. Add the shredded ozone layer which creates more heat, and the “weather modified” conditions are even worse. The obvious result is more frequent and catastrophic forest fires. This phenomenon is being played out around the globe. Summer of 2012 saw the Northern Hemisphere burning down and now it is Australia and Tasmania in meltdown.
Artificially Nucleated Snow Storms
Yet another seemingly impossible aspect of global weather modification is geoengineered snow storms.
Many will write this one off as impossible without any investigation. That is a mistake as the science of chemical ice nucleation is very established and commonly practiced in many arenas though it is hard to comprehend this process being done on such a massive scale.
There are several patents on “artificial ice nucleation for weather modification”, including one from NASA.
Artificially nucleated storms appear to be carried out under a myriad of conditions. In many cases, storms that should have yielded only rain, can be artificially nucleated to “change over” to snow. The term “change over” has recently been coined by The Weather Channel and other corporate/military/industrial complex weather agencies. A geoengineered snow event is generally called “heavy wet snow” (another recent term). This “snow” can begin to fall at temperatures far above freezing though the ongoing chemical process eventually cools the surrounding air mass. The resulting “snow” and “ice” can sometimes remain a surprisingly long time in spite of warmer temperatures, a result of artificial chemical nucleation. This aspect of weather modification is covered in the following article,“Geoengineered Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc Around the Globe”
Temporary Cooling At The Cost Of A Worsened Overall Warming
This is the net result of geoengineering. Nature does not give something for nothing. This should seem all too obvious, but unfortunately the “scientists” in so many cases seem to be completely blind to the facts. In the case of cloud seeding to produce rain, if they succeed, then that moisture will not end up where it would have otherwise gone. In the case of saturation spraying that is known to diminish rain by scattering it into massive artificial cloud cover, where will all that moisture end up? Coming down somewhere else in a deluge? Is this perhaps why the US is locked in record drought and England is having record rains?
The cooling effects of geoenigneering come at the cost of a much worsened overall warming of the planet. Even NASA admits the “condensation trails” (geoengineering particulate trails) are warming the planet.
The Systemic Poisoning Of All Life On Earth
Sound like an “alarmist” statement or conspiracy theory? All available data points to this conclusion as a hard and undeniable fact for any that do objective research.
Countless lab tests of precipitation from around the globe (cited above) have been done by concerned individuals and groups in recent years, and the results are shocking to say the least. Our rain and snow is quite literally packed with the very same highly toxic heavy metals named in numerous geoengineering patents as primary elements. The air we breath is also laden with the same toxins aluminum/alumina, barium, strontium, manganese, thorium,  and now even fluoride is being reported in recent tests from Norway. So much metal has fallen on the boreal forests of the Pacific Northwest that soil PH changes of up to 15 times more alkaline have been noted. A recent documentary film by filmmaker Michael Murphy, “Why In The World Are They Spraying” covers some of these changes and the forest die off that is occurring in boreal forests. Though there are countless articles documenting the die off of forests around the globe, putting the blame only on increasing temperatures, drought, and beetles, none mention geoengineering. To omit geoengineering in this equation is to omit what appears to be the greatest factor of all. The lethal effects of “bioavailable” aluminum/alumina in rainwater and thus in the soils is well documented. Its effect on trees is also noted in science studies.
Off course there are corporations who exist to profit from calamity. Monsanto always seems to be at the top of this list. As geoengineered drought and aluminum sterilized soils force independent farmers to sell, international ag corporations are there to buy up the land and put to use there “aluminum resistant seeds.”
What Is Geoengineering Doing To Us?
Inhalation of microscopic particulates is highly damaging no matter what the particulate material. Respiratory ailments and mortalities are now literally epidemic. Degenerative human diseases that are linked to heavy metal exposure are even more lethal and are now going virtually off the charts. ADD, Alzheimer’s, Autism, ALL, immune disfunction, and many other diseases associated with heavy metals, have all skyrocketed in recent years. According to scientists like internationally know neuroscientist Russell Blalock, the heavy metal nano particles are so small that they pass right through the lung lining into the blood stream. There they can adhere to cell receptors like a plaque, slowly but surely shutting down bodily functions and the immune system. These metals are all but impossible to remove once they have become lodged in the body. In addition, virtually every bite we eat is now contaminated with these toxic nano particles as they are absobed by plant life, which is highly damaging to crops.
Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (AKA chemtrails) has now tainted all. Every breath we take, every bite we eat, all is contaminated. A mountain of data, studies, and testing confirms this conclusion beyond reasonable doubt.
We are all quite literally under assault. The threat to all life on earth from the global weather modification programs cannot be overstated. It is up to all of us to help in the task of bringing these programs to light, and to a halt so the planet can begin to recover.. Arm yourself with copies or credible articles, data, and DVD copies.  “Why In The World Are They Spraying”. by Michael Murphy is an excellent tool for spreading the word on this most dire issue.
It is likely the vast majority of military and private sector people involved with geoengineering do not understand the consequences.
Time is not on our side. Every day global geoengineering continues, our odds are diminished. We must all pull together in the effort to shine the light on this greatest of all human crimes. Once the geoengineering issue is truly out in the open, and those who physically carry out the spraying realize what they are a part of, we have a chance to stop these lethal programs.

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